Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Delicious, light and clean roasted eggplant dip

Delicious, light and clean roasted eggplant dip

Deeply delicious and made with simple, clean ingredients, this roasted eggplant dip is as flavorful as it is good for you!

If there’s one piece of diet advice to follow, it’s filling at least half of your plate with vegetables. 

Of course, everyone will have a different opinion about what the rest of your plate should look (mine is usually just more vegetables). But in 2022, most experts are in agreement: when it comes to health, vegetables are all the rage. 

Unlike any other category of food (except, maybe fruit), they’re densely packed with vitamins and minerals; filled with fiber that will help you stay full, satiated, and bulk up your stool to promote regular bowel movements; boost your immunity; reduce your caloric intake; and fight a host of chronic diseases. 

Vegetables are simply unmatched. 

You know what else is great about vegetables? They can morph into just about any kind of food. 

Cauliflower can be pizza and wings. Hearts of palm can turn into pasta or ceviche. You get where I’m going with this…

Having a toddler at home means I’m perpetually looking for non-traditional ways to introduce vegetables into his diet. 

This week, we did a babaganoush sorta thing. And my god did it turn out incredible

In case you’re not familiar with it, babaganoush is a dip and a staple in middle eastern cuisine. It’s smooth, a bit smokey, and utterly delicious. 

My take on it is light, clean, slightly more mild and simple. Because that’s how we roll around here. 

Keep scrolling for everything you need to know…

Health Perks

  • The main ingredient is eggplant - a great source of vitamins and minerals, high in fiber, contains some iron (which can be lacking in a plant-based diet if you’re not mindful about it), and like all vegetables is generally health promoting. 

  • The next major player is tahini, which is full of healthy fats and omega 3s to help lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation, and a great source of protein, B vitamins and iron. As far as health benefits go it’s my favorite and go-to nut/seed butter. 

  • It contains a fair amount of garlic (you can’t do middle eastern cuisine without it) and let me tell you, garlic does it all. Well known for boosting immune function, helping combat minor illness like the common cold, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and contains a ton of antioxidants, which support the body’s protective mechanisms. I personally don’t digest it well in large amounts, but a total super power of a food.

  • Lemon, has a lot of health benefits but my favorite function for the purpose of this recipe is that it’s high in Vitamin C and will help the body better absorb the iron found in both the eggplant and tahini. 

  • It’s almost entirely made with plant-based whole foods, which means you know it’s good for you. It does contain a tiny amount of oil, and if that matters to you, opt for one that’s cold pressed, which means it’s far less refined. 

  • It is prepared with food combining principles in mind to mitigate digestive distress and optimize energy. 

Other Thoughts, Tips, and Suggestions

  • Great pairings include grain-free tortilla chips, or my personal favorite - cool, crunchy cucumbers or radishes. If you’re into food combining, keep in mind that this does contain protein/fats (tahini), so pairing it with non-starchy vegetables will help you feel your best while eating it. 

  • For a chunkier texture use the pulse setting on your food processor and pulse for a second or two at a time. This will give you the most control over your texture.

  • For an ultra smooth texture, blend on a higher speed. 

  • For ease I recommend using a food processor over a blender. The food processor will give you the most control over the texture and allow you to remove the dip from the machine more easily than if you were to use a blender.

  • Use a bit of salt at every stage. I recommend adding a pinch of salt to the eggplant before roasting, and then again when you go to blend. 

Keep scrolling for the full recipe. I hope you love it as much as I do!

Roasted Eggplant Dip

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 30 minutes | Yields: 4-6 servings


  • 2 medium eggplants, sliced lengthwise about 1/2 an inch thick

  • 1-2 tsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/2 tsp mineral salt, divided

  • 1/4 cup raw tahini

  • 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped

  • 2 lemons, juiced

  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder

  • Optional garnishes: fresh parsley, sesame seeds, extra virgin olive oil


  • Roast your eggplant. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place eggplant on top. Use a cooking brush to lightly dust each piece of eggplant with a bit of olive oil and then add a pinch of salt on top. Roast for 25 minutes (or until tender).

  • Prep your eggplant. Remove from oven and let cool for 10-ish minutes. Once cool, remove skin from each piece of eggplant .

  • Whip up your dip. Use a large food processor bowl, with the S blade attachment. Transfer the eggplant flesh to the bowl, along with all of the remaining ingredients. Pulse for a few seconds at a time until ingredients are well blended. For a completely smooth dip, pulse until you reach your desired consistency.

  • Enjoy with pita, chips, or raw vegetables!

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