Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Laws I live by that keep me in a near constant state of joy

Laws I live by that keep me in a near constant state of joy

There is nothing more important to me than my own happiness.

When I feel good, I’m a better person, friend, partner, creator and parent. 

Knowing this about myself, it’s hard not to do whatever it takes to feel good.

Today, I want to share the “laws” I live by that help me do it, which I encourage every one to try.

Get up earlier than you need to

Nobody wants to wake up early, let alone earlier than they need to. 

But everyone wants more time and energy, to feel productive and stress less. And that’s what consistent early rising will give you. 

Quiet, undisturbed moments in the day are hard to come by. The earlier you wake up, the more you’ll have.

Tip: Start small. Set your alarm to go off 10 minutes earlier for one day. Then another 10 minutes earlier the next day. And 10 minutes earlier the next day. Then, for the rest of the week, maintain getting up a full 30 minutes earlier than you’re used to. Do this for an entire year and that’s 10, 950 extra minutes or 182.5 extra hours for yourself. 

Set an intention for the day

Human beings are happier when they have a sense of purpose. 

Setting an intention gives you direction, accountability and gives you the opportunity to take control of your personal choices at as many tuns as possible thought out the day.

It is a simple way to manufacture more happiness for yourself. 

Tip: Put it in writing. I like to use my morning pages (i.e. my journal) to set my intention for the day. 

Do challenging workouts

If you’re going to put in the time, you may as well reap the benefits.

The tougher your workouts are, the greater the mental and physical results will be. And the more you’ll want to do it again the next day.

Doing a workout you enjoy is good for you. But doing one that challenges you mentally and physically is what makes you crave to do it over and over again, ultimately leading to a happier and stronger you.

Tip: Aim to workout at least 5-6 days a week. When it comes to challenging workouts, the more days off you take the harder it is to get back into it the following day. The more you do something, the more momentum you’ll build for yourself.

Eat mostly whole foods

Nothing contains more vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients than real, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, etc. 

A diet rich in whole foods is the foundation for good health and will make you look and feel your best. 

You will experience less bloat, more energy, enjoy clearer and brighter skin, and enhance your quality of life.

Tip: Create rituals for yourself throughout the week to facilitate healthy eating habits. Shop for yourself 1-2 times a week. Cook more, and order in/dine out less. Batch foods so there are always healthy options on hand. 

Eat seasonally 

Produce is fresher, cheaper, more nutritious and it’s a natural way to introduce more variety into your life.

Tip: Put a note on your fridge of fruits and vegetables that are currently in season. Try 1-2 new seasonal ingredients or recipes a week. 

Protect your energy

From people and entities who drag you down with snarky comments, negativity, sensationalized information designed to instill fear and dread and sadness.

Seek out and hold close any one that makes you smile wider and laugh harder, listens carefully and encourages loudly. And give your time and attention to the things in your life create energy and spark inspiration, desire and creativity.

Tip: Make a list of people or things that make you feel good. And a list of people, things, behaviors, etc. that don’t. Put it somewhere where you can reference it as often as you need to.

Choose love over fear

Whenever you feel fear, find a way to invite more love into your life. 

When it comes to fear (and it’s everywhere these days) love is the ultimate neutralizer.

Tip: When you notice fear presenting itself , ask yourself:

Is there an opportunity here for growth or change? I

Is there something about this situation I can be grateful for?

Is this a real, present danger or threat? Or is this a feeling that will pass?

Has this situation presented itself before, and if so, did it turn out as badly as I initially thought ?

How can I contribute to reducing the problem?

Find gratitude

First thing in the morning.

Throughout each day.

Despite life’s hiccups, bumps and challenges.

It’s true what they say about gratitude: the more you practice it, the happier you are.

Tip: Create rituals throughout your day that will remind yourself of all the good there is surrounding you. Keep a journal, notice your surroundings, express it to others, remember that life can change on a dime. There are so many instances and opportunities to be more thankful. Take advantage of all of them.

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