Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Gift ideas for the self-care loving, health and wellness junkies in your life

Gift ideas for the self-care loving, health and wellness junkies in your life

I know, I know - the last thing the internet needs is another holiday gift guide. I’m in full agreement with you.

But hear me out.

I rarely make product recommendations, in large part due to the fact that I have been burned one too many times by influencer culture and my own insatiable appetite for wellness products.

I also believe that self-care is personal. What I enjoy indulging in or what works well for me, isn’t necessarily a great basis for making recommendations to the masses, you know?

All that said, I believe everyone deserves the gift of wellness - a little something to help them slow down and feel good, or something they can have in their home to stop and admire. And with the holidays coming up, I thought it would be a great time to throw together a list of my favorite knick knacks that I already own or use, or things I’m currently coveting and can’t wait to get my hands on and try out.

A few things I love about this list - 

First, it’s a total mixed bag. Some items are well known and wildly popular, while others you may have never seen or heard of before.

Second, each item is both practical yet indulgent. To me, that’s what self-care is all about.

Finally, everything (well, almost everything) is under $100. Some items are even under $20. Why? Because health, wellness, self-care, or whatever you want to call it, is for everyone.

You can scroll through the gallery to check out my picks, and below that you’ll find links to and prices for each item.

Happy holidays, you guys!

Indian Long Pajama Set by Folkloore - $120

Microgreen Grow Kit by Hamama - $84

Wrist and Ankle Weights by Bala Bangles - $55

French Net Market Bag (set of 2) by Filt - $48

Bamboo 7 Piece Nesting Bowls by Bamboozle - $80

Herb Seed Kit by The Floral Society - $51

Bobble Candlestick by Madeleine Pellegren - $70

DIY Incense Kit by POJ Studio - $52

Alarm Clock by Loftie - $149

Avocado Vase by Ilex Studio - $35

Stagg Pour Over Kettle by Fellow - $79

Mykonos Candle Holder by CwT - $95

The Artists Way by Julia Cameron - $13.69

Water Bottle with Charcoal Filter by Lekue - $34

Empress Stone Gua Sha by Wildling - $65

Fermentation Crock by Seeutek - $59

What To Eat For How You Feel by Divya Alter - $23.55

Mindfulness Cards by Rohan Gunatillake - $11.60

Veggie Lover Spice Set by Occo - $32

Sleep Stone By Kat McLeod - $45

Rose Quartz Eye Mask by Wthn - $75

If you liked this recipe, be sure to sign up for my Weekly Wellness Round Up to receive this type of content and other health and wellness tidbits delivered to your inbox every week!

Healing autumn root vegetable juice

Healing autumn root vegetable juice

Plant-based golden healing broth (gluten, sugar, grain-free with an oil-free option)

Plant-based golden healing broth (gluten, sugar, grain-free with an oil-free option)